Recipe from @akashahahealthy
· 2 cups of almond flour
· 3 tablespoons CULTO Cacao Powder
· 2 tablespoons coconut oil @a_de_coco
· 1/2 cup of natural yogurt
· 2 eggs
· 1/4 cup milk
· 3 envelopes of monk fruit
· Cinnamon Powder / vanilla to taste
- In a bowl, integrate and stir all the ingredients super well.
- Preheat the oven to 180ºC
- Grease your mold with a little coconut oil or put wax paper
- Empty the mixture of your brownie and bake for 15-20 min depending on your oven.
- Check with a toothpick to see if it is ready.
- Take out of the oven and enjoy.
- If you like chocolate a lot you can melt some CULTO Chocolate and bathe your brownie before cutting it.
Enjoy it ✨