Lava Cake

Lava Cake

Lava Cake

Recipe by @publicvisage

If you are looking for today's dessert THIS IS THE PERFECT RECIPE, it looks like a chilli volcano but a thousand times better and faster. The recipe comes out for about 4 people.

For the mass:
· 1/2 cup of flour.
· 2 tbsp of Culto cacao powder
· 1 tsp of baking powder.
· 1/8 tsp of salt.
· 5 tbsp of milk.
· 5 tbsp of white sugar.
· 20 grams of melted butter.

For the topping:
· 2 tbsp of Culto cacao powder
· 4 tbsp of white sugar.
· 1/4 cup of brown sugar.
· 1/2 cup of hot water.


For the mass:
· In a bowl we mix the flour, cocoa, baking powder and salt.
· We add the milk, the melted butter.
· We mix everything until there is a thick dough.
· In a greased mold, we put all the dough to which it is even.

For the top:
· Mix the sugars and the cacao powder.
· We spread this mixture on top of the dough, it seems like it is a lot but it does not matter put it all.
· We add the 1/2 cup of hot water on top and DO NOT MOVE ANYTHING.
· We bake it at 180ºC for 35 minutes.
· Let cool for 10 minutes and that's it :)

You can accompany it with vanilla ice cream and it will be super delicious.

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